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We Think 4 A Change

We Salute Tina Marbury


Tina Marbury started at WT4AC as a volunteer in 2020 and has been an impactful part ever since, she started by filling in to deliver food to WT4AC clients when needed. During Tina's time at WT4AC she has been a member of the WT4AC Advisory Committee . a WWT4C Founding committee member to bring best care practices to the team and support efforts of the Executive Director.

While volunteering at WT4AC Tina enrolled into the Community Health Worker program once completed she became a WT4AC Community Health worker, she focused her efforts on outreach and educating people on the process, providing support, and developing lasting relationships with routine wellness checks to improve care. She is also a part of the Ryan White Fund that provides resources and data to support her work with the WT4AC Community. Tina is loved by her husband of 34 years, her four children and four Grandchildren.


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