by Austreeia Everson
We Think 4 A Change and The Aids Task Force of Greater Cleveland has shared a partnership and common goal of reducing stigma and barriers for persons living with HIV for the past two years and have tested over 600 people. This dynamic duo provides the necessary pressure and support for residents to get tested and eliminate the stigma and fear of knowing their status.
The Aids Task Force of Greater Cleveland is a Non profit agency that tailors their programming to support persons with and without HIV. The agency encompasses a variety of programs that address the whole person needs such as Advocacy, Food pantry, education, free HIV testing 9-4pm Monday thru Friday, and starting February 10, 2022 free Covid testing to the public.
They partner with WT4AC and many other organizations in the community to administer testing. Partnership Impact supports our testing outreach, education and provides incentives for testing. This collaboration partnership has increased the numbers of people tested, educated, and knowledgeable on resources and expanded population to areas that would normally be untouched.